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National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Preparation Courses


和记棋牌娱乐专业发展提供研究生课程,以帮助教师完成国家委员会认证申请的各个组成部分. These courses follow the NBPTS application submission timelines. 所有考生必须在参加西北预备课程之前向NBPTS申请.

The Proven Impact of Board-Certified Teachers on Student Achievement

Through National Board Certification, 教师通过严格的实践来证明他们的教学符合专业标准, peer-reviewed and performance-based process, similar to professional certification in medical fields. In achieving Board certification, teachers prove their ability to advance student learning and achievement.

More than a decade of research from across the country confirms: 由委员会认证的老师教的学生比其他老师教的学生学得更多. 据估计,学习的增加大约是额外一到两个月的教学时间. 对于少数族裔和低收入家庭的学生来说,拥有一名委员会认证教师(NBCT)的积极影响更为显著. 学生成绩的改善反映在NBCTs在教师效能的主要指标上取得了更强劲的结果, including robust classroom observations and value-added scores. 与缺乏对硕士学位教师有效性的一致研究相比,对委员会认证教师有效性的引人注目的研究尤其值得注意.


Learn more from NBPTS


National Board Preparation Courses

和记棋牌娱乐专业发展与Charlene Steadman合作开发了一系列准备课程,以帮助教师掌握国家委员会认证申请所需的组成部分. Additionally, teachers can obtain graduate credit through these preparation courses.

Charlene Steadman teaches these courses. Charlene拥有韦伯斯特大学的跨学科教学硕士学位和密苏里西部州立大学的教育学学士学位. 她于2001年获得了国家专业教学标准委员会的认证. Charlene has served as a National Boards facilitator, staff developer, new teacher mentor, student teacher mentor, Critical Friends Coach, District Math Leadership team member, NORCO Vice-President, District PGC and in-service instructor, EEI trainer, and a classroom teacher from Kindergarten through fourth grade.

Questions? Please email Charlene Steadman

Sequence of Courses

Year 1

组件3:教学实践和学习环境-该组件需要两个视频记录, student work samples, 以及一份书面评论,证明你对教学的实践和分析, student engagement and the learning environment. Fall 

第一部分:内容知识——这个基于计算机的评估要求考生展示他们在你的内容领域的内容知识和教学实践,通过你的证书领域的整个年龄范围和能力水平. 评估包括三个构建的反应练习和45个选定的反应项目.  Spring

 Year 2

Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner – This component requires you to demonstrate evidence of your abilities as an effective and reflective practitioner in developing and applying knowledge of your students; your use of assessments to effectively plan for and positively impact your students’ learning; and your collaboration to advance students’ learning and growth.  Fall 

组件2:差异化——这个基于课堂的组件要求考生收集和分析关于个别学生的优势和需求的信息,并使用这些信息来设计和实施指导,以促进学生的学习和成就.  您将提交精选的作品样本,以展示学生随着时间的推移而成长,并提交一份书面评论,分析您的教学选择.  Spring 

Questions? Please email Charlene Steadman

Fall 2021 Course Information

Teaching Practice and Effective Environment

2 credit hours, optional

本课程旨在帮助教师深入理解国家标准,以及这些标准对第三部分教学实践和学习环境的影响.  参与者将使用五个核心命题完成组件3的一半要求, Standards and Architecture of Accomplished Teaching.  Teachers will describe, 通过书面评论和教学视频分析和反思他们的教学和与学生的互动.

Class Dates: September 14, September 28, October 5, October 19, November 2, November 16, November 30, and December 7, 2021

Class Times: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Classes meet via Zoom

Spring 2022 Course Information

Content Knowledge

2 credit hours, optional

本课程旨在帮助教师深入理解国家标准,以及这些标准对第三部分——教学实践与学习环境和第一部分——内容知识的贡献.  参与者将使用五个核心命题完成第三部分要求的后半部分, Standards and Architecture of Accomplished Teaching.  Teachers will describe, 通过一篇书面评论和一段视频来分析和反思他们的教学和与学生的互动.  参与者将使用五个核心命题来准备第一部分的测试, Standards and Architecture of Accomplished Teaching.  教师将分析和评估整个认证领域的实践项目和研究课题.

Classes meet via Zoom


Each course has a registration fee of $300. All courses will occur via Zoom. Login information will be provided before the first-course session. Click the link below to register and pay for the preparation courses.

Register for preparation courses


Optional Graduate Credit Enrollment

Teachers can also enroll for graduate credit for the preparation courses.  除上述注册费用外,研究生学分将按每学分75美元收费.  To obtain graduate credit, complete the above registration process and additionally, click the below link to receive the graduate credit enrollment form.  研究生学分学费将记入每个人的大学账户,账单将直接邮寄到他们的家庭住址.  Bills are mailed monthly around the 25th of each month.

enroll for graduate credit


Northwest-Kansas City
6889 North Oak Trafficway | Suite 400